Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-06-06 | 405 |
Title: | sc-cloud | Filename: | |
Screamager - .-cloud tide-. |
XM | 03:14 | |
."cloud tide".
.a peaceful trip.
.into the unknown.
.let the clouds.
.watch over you.
.wash over you.
.please email me with.
.any comments.
_->mindfield |cd|
_->zero-g |cd|
_-> awe32 rom
_-> a few other places
.this is my debut.
.release for.
.radical rhythms.
@Scrm 6.6.96
.a single ray.
.of light.
.on the day.
.of the beast. |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-06-08 | 419 |
Title: | sc-harm | Filename: | |
Screamager - ."hideous harmony". |
XM | 03:32 | |
."hideous harmony".
.composed and imposed.
.on the.
.trackering 13 compo.
[radical rhythms/trx]
.please email me with.
.any comments:.
.and now for some txt.
.contrary to popular.
.belief, a song.
.doesn't have to have.
.a melody and a chord.
.structure to.
.be decent.
.i might just have.
.proved that with.
.this trancey piece.
all samples were given
in the compo
oolah... (c)Scrm8.6.96 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-06-22 | 394 |
Title: | sc-mono | Filename: | |
Screamager - |"monotoniq"| |
XM | 04:17 | |
.encore une.
.decomposition by.
[radical rhythms/trx]
.well what have we.
.here? a mix of.
.styles, and not a.
.drumloop in sight.
.in case you thought.
.you could hear one.
.this song is also.
.the first track of.
.the new landslide cd.
.all samples original.
.except 2 & 6 from.
.chuck biscuits/kfmf.
.please email me with.
.any comments you.
.may have - i always.
.appreciate feedback.
send to:
. thanks for watching.
.- now enjoy the rest.
.of the song.
@Scrm 22.6.96 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-08-26 | 386 |
Title: | sc-blue | Filename: | |
Screamager - .blue. |
XM | 03:11 | |
.tracked for the.
.mc4 music compo.
.of radical rhythms.
.please email me with.
.any comments you.
.may have - feedback.
.is greatly.
send to
.and now for some txt.
.this track was.
.formerly m4v-bblu.xm.
.- as it failed to.
.make it to the final.
.round of mc4, i.
.thought it deserved.
.a release.
.it's not my typical.
.style (well what.
.is?) but i enjoyed.
.tracking it all the.
.have fun with this.
.laid-back piano tune.
(c)Scrm 26.8.96 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-09-07 | 396 |
Title: | sc-lands | Filename: | |
Screamager - .shadowlands. |
XM | 02:58 | |
.conceived and.
.composed by.
[radical rhythms]
.for the tt17.
.irc music compo.
[got 6th place]
.please email me.
.with any comments.
send to
.and let this track.
.take you away.
.all samples were.
.given in the compo.
(c)Scrm 7.9.96 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-09-19 | 389 |
Title: | sc-fsex | Filename: | |
Screamager - phonesex and fashion |
XM | 03:43 | |
s triking s tamina
t angled c ream
i ntern r ation
n ine m onths
g reen
e ver r r / k f m f
r eady
for comments/feedback
screamager -
stinger -
18.9.96 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-10-19 | 376 |
Title: | spg-jewl | Filename: | |
Screamager - jewel |
XM | 07:15 | |
||||| jewel
||||| Spieg / RR
||||| debut release.
||||| 5 samples ripped
||||| 5 samples mine
||||| track time: 7:00
||||| ft2 only, of coz
||||| email in window
||||| greets :
||||| cosmic
||||| vivid
||||| anitchrist
||||| keith303
||||| dac
||||| eliot
||||| vizz
||||| zapper
||||| draggy
||||| maelcum
||||| cd
||||| silent slayer :)
||||| cannibal
||||| phoenix
||||| liam the lemming
||||| skie
||||| zsazs
||||| inspekdah deck
||||| mental floss
||||| mental floss
||||| rimbo
||||| respects to :
||||| knuddel
||||| toxic trancer
||||| randy andy
||||| cyborg
||||| resound
||||| emax
||||| basehead
||||| panzer boy
||||| f8
||||| ripguy
||||| mikmak
||||| shawnm
||||| assign
||||| screamager
||||| spoon
||||| taz
||||| mikki
||||| this music (C)
||||| 1996 Radical
||||| Rhythms.
||||| all restrictions
||||| apply.
||||| |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1996-11-04 | 395 |
Title: | sc-void | Filename: | |
Screamager - ."the void". |
XM | 03:34 | |
."the void".
.sequenced by.
.groping for words.
.give it back and.
.make me whole.
.too far, too long.
.you too, are gone.
.solitude. .savour.
.the flavour.
.i know no pain.
.what you don't miss.
.what you don't seek.
.what you never had.
.can't hurt you.
.bassline originally.
.from leftfield's.
."a final hit".
.some samples ripped.
.others from.
._->boss dr-660.
._->roland s-770.
.and a few cds.
.feedback is welcomed.
(c)Scrm 17.10.96 |
Screamager - .mental eclipse. |
XM | 01:57 | |
>debug mode off<
.a wired 96 surprise.
.3-chn chiptune thang.
.let's call it.
.mental eclipse again.
.haven't heard that.
.before. .oolah.
.white hot rush.
.but you don't mind.
.for bitching.
.what else.
(c)Scrm 2/11/96
.p.s. i never claimed.
.this was a brand new.
.t00n. :P
.although i did think.
.about doing it. |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1997-01-03 | 395 |
Title: | sc-earth | Filename: | |
Screamager - screams of the earth |
XM | 04:29 | |
.screams of the earth.
.tracked by.
.originally by.
.romeo knight/rsi.
.two samples from.
.my fellow earthlings.
.the rest from.
.yours truly.
(c)Scrm3.1.97 |
Artist: | Screamager | Released: | 1997-03-30 | 402 |
Title: | grey | Filename: | |
Screamager - .grey heaven. |
XM | 02:27 | |
"grey heaven"
.for mekka '97 mchan.
.some day, one day.
.i'll learn that.
.tracking your party.
.tune at the party is.
.a bad idea.
.opening riff from.
."the crow" score.
.thanks again for the.
.pc use, pascal & poti
.samples from mickrip.
.myself, rage.
.and keith303.
.check out my page.
.above and purge me.
.of my musical sins.
.ack! it's crap!.
(c)Scrm29.3.97 |